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Saturday, September 23, 2017

New benefits of Vitamin D you should know

11:40 AM 0
The latest news on vitamin D

In recent years, D has emerged as a wonder vitamin. While it had long been known to help us absorb calcium, vitamin D has been shown over the past decade or so to lower death rates from breast, colon and prostate cancer; and help ward off depression. Best Health has been keeping up on new findings, and there’s more good news:

1. Protection for the immune system

More and more research points to vitamin D as an effective way to protect the immune system. A study in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology from May 2012 found that insufficient levels of vitamin D are related to a ?deficiency in the body’s immune responses. It’s possible that an increased intake of vitamin D could strengthen the body’s immune response against viral infections. The study’s authors say this may explain why cold and flu rates are higher in fall and winter, since D levels decrease at that time of year.

2. Reduce the risk of respiratory infection

A study published in the September 2012 issue of Pediatrics supports the possibility a daily vitamin D supplement may reduce the risk of respiratory infections in winter. For the study, 247 Mongolian schoolchildren (who are known to be at high risk for vitamin D deficiency, especially in winter) were given supplements of 300 IU daily. Risk of acute respiratory infections was halved.

3. Faster recovery from illness

Research published in the September 2012 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that vitamin D supplementation could improve recovery rates for patients with an infectious disease such as tuberculosis. “Patients who had vitamin D on top of antibiotics cleared the TB bacteria from their lungs 13 days more quickly than those who just had standard treatment alone,” lead researcher Adrian Martineau told Best Health. The results suggest vitamin D helps dampen the body’s inflammatory response to infection and could even, Martineau speculates, enhance recovery from pneumonia.

The bad news

But the latest research has not all been positive. A study at the University of Otago in New Zealand showed vitamin D supplementation in healthy adults who do not have a vitamin D deficiency may not reduce the incidence or severity of colds. The 322 healthy adults in this study were randomly assigned to receive either a monthly dose of 100,000 IU of vitamin D3 or a placebo. At the end of the 18-month study, researchers found no significant difference between the two groups.

How much do you need?

Health Canada’s current dietary recommendations for vitamin D:
Infants up to 1 year = 400 IU (10 mcg) per day
Children and adults age 1 to 70 = 600 IU (15 mcg) per day
Pregnant or breastfeeding women = 600 IU (15 mcg) per day
Adults over age 70 = 800 IU (20 mcg) per day

Osteoporosis Canada has higher recommendations; they are:
Adults age 19-50 (including pregnant or breastfeeding women)  = 400-1,000 IU per day
Adults over age 50 = 800-2,000 IU per day (Note: Taking more than 2,000 IU daily should be done under medical supervision)
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

9 Delicious foods to Help You Lose Weight !

5:00 PM 0
Delicious foods that help you diet? It sounds too good to be true.

No doubt: Weight loss comes down to simple math. You have to eat fewer calories than you burn.

"Certain foods can help you shed body weight," says Heather Mangieri, RD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, "because they help you feel full longer and help curb cravings."

Some even kick up your metabolism. So take this list when you go to the supermarket:

1. Beans
Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more.

2. Soup
Start a meal with a cup of soup, and you may end up eating less. It doesn’t matter if the soup is chunky or pureed, as long as it's broth-based. You want to keep the soup to 100 to 150 calories a serving. So skip the dollops of cream and butter.

3. Dark Chocolate
Want to enjoy chocolate between meals? Pick a square or two of dark over the milky version. In one study, chocolate lovers who were given dark chocolate ate 15% less pizza a few hours later than those who had eaten milk chocolate.

4. Pureed Vegetables
You can add more veggies to your diet, enjoy your "cheat" foods, and cut back on the calories you’re eating, all at the same time. When Penn State researchers added pureed cauliflower and zucchini to mac and cheese, people seemed to like the dish just as much. But they ate 200 to 350 fewer calories. Those healthy vegetables added low-cal bulk to the tasty dish.

5. Eggs and Sausage
A protein-rich breakfast may help you resist snack attacks throughout the day.
In a study of a group of obese young women, those who started the day with 35 grams of protein -- that’s probably way more than you’re eating -- felt fuller right away. The women ate a 350-calorie breakfast that included eggs and a beef sausage patty. The effect of the high-protein breakfast seemed to last into the evening, when the women munched less on fatty, sugary goods than the women who had cereal for breakfast.

6. Nuts
For a great snack on the run, take a small handful of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, or pecans. Research shows that when people munch on nuts, they automatically eat less at later meals.

7. Apples
Skip the apple juice and the applesauce and opt instead for a crunchy apple. Whole fruit blunts appetite in a way that fruit juices and sauces don’t.

One reason is that raw fruit has more fiber. Plus, chewing sends signals to your brain that you’ve eaten something substantial.

By Shelley Levitt
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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Calories, not protein, matter most for fat gain

5:15 PM 0
SUMMARY: A new study challenges the idea that high protein diets fight gains in body fat. Turns out it's not what you eat that leads to body fat storage, but too many calories. Bonus advice: monitor body fat instead of weight for a more accurate picture of healthy body composition.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to packing on body fat, how many calories you eat seems to count more than where those calories come from -- lots of protein, or very little.

Researchers found that people who ate high-calorie diets all gained about the same amount of fat. Those whose diets were low in protein gained less weight overall than people on high- and moderate-protein diets, but that's because the low-protein group also lost muscle.

"Huge swings in protein intake do not result in huge swings in body fat gain," said Dr. James Levine, who studies obesity at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota but wasn't involved in the new study.

"It really is the calories that count."

Previous research has suggested that when people over-eat, the amount of weight they gain varies from person to person. Whether the make-up of individuals' diets might be affecting how their body stores the extra calories has remained unclear, though.

For the current study, researchers led by Dr. George Bray from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, recruited 25 young, healthy volunteers to live in their lab and eat a prescribed diet for two to three months.

During the first couple of weeks, the researchers tinkered with participants' diets to determine exactly how many calories they needed to maintain their body weight.

Then, for eight weeks, they piled on about 1,000 extra calories to those daily diets. One-third of the participants were fed a standard diet with 15 percent of their calories coming from protein, while the others ate low- or high-protein diets with either five or 25 percent of calories from protein.

That worked out to volunteers eating an average of 47, 139 or 228 grams of protein per day.

Those diets made everyone gain weight, but not equally. The low-protein diet group put on about seven pounds per person, compared to 13 or 14 pounds in the normal- and high-protein groups.

But people in the low-protein group stored more than 90 percent of their extra calories as fat and lost body protein (muscle mass), while other participants gained both fat and healthier lean muscle, researchers reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. So the groups all gained a similar amount of total excess fat.

Donald Layman, a food science researcher at the University of Illinois in Urbana, said it's difficult to see how the findings apply to a general population that isn't being overfed such a protein-deficient diet, in the case of the low-protein group.

"It's an interesting scientific study, but from an obesity standpoint, I don't think it tells us anything," he told Reuters Health.

But Levine said there are a couple of messages that people outside of a strict scientific study can take away from the findings -- especially that weight gain or loss might not be the best way to track how healthy a person's diet is.

Bray agreed.

"The scale that you step on isn't necessarily a good guide to the kind of weight you're gaining," he told Reuters Health.

"People who had the low protein gained about half as much weight as those that had normal or high protein, but the weight was different in one major component: they lost body protein, which is not healthy," Bray said. "The scale can fool you into thinking that you're winning when you aren't."

Regardless of that number, he concluded, "If you over-eat extra calories, no matter what the composition of the diet is, you'll put down more fat."

SOURCE:  Journal of the American Medical Association, online January 3, 2012.
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The Power of Peppermint

5:07 PM 0
SUMMARY: Studies have shown peppermint oil to be fairly effective at relieving irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a collection of symptoms that includes abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhea that affects 5 to 20 percent of the population.

At the mention of peppermint, candy canes and ice cream comes to mind. But did you know that peppermint is also an age-old herbal medicine that has been used to treat a wide range of abdominal woes? The oil extracted from the peppermint plant contains a host of compounds, but the most abundant and perhaps the most pharmacologically important is menthol.

Studies have shown peppermint oil to be fairly effective at relieving irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a collection of symptoms that includes abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhea that affects 5 to 20 percent of the population. One explanation is that the oil—especially the menthol—blocks calcium channels, which has the effect of relaxing the “smooth” muscles in the walls of the intestines. Recently, Alex Ford, a McMaster University researcher, concluded that instead of popular over-the counter drugs, peppermint oil should be the first line of defense against IBS.

Peppermint can temporarily allay itching caused by insect bites, eczema and other lesions, including the rash of poison ivy. Peppermint tea can be used as a mouthwash for babies with thrush (yeast in the mouth) or for reducing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, especially for women who want to avoid stronger medications.

Peppermint’s essential oil—menthol—is also an ingredient in many conventional over-the-counter products, including toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, breath mints, chewing tobacco substitutes, cough lozenges and various muscle pain ointments.  Menthol stimulates the nerves that sense cold, creating that familiar cooling sensation, and inhibits those that react to painful stimuli, temporarily relieving the pain of muscles and organs that are cramped and in spasm. Your mouth also has some of these nerves, which is why products containing menthol "taste" cool. And, even though the effect doesn’t last long, sometimes even a brief reprieve from a hacking cough or aching muscle can work wonders.

Menthol has also been shown helpful in subduing many disease-producing bacteria, fungi and viruses, but because stronger antimicrobials are available, is usually not the first choice in treating serious infections. “Most of the (effective) species are really from the family Lamiaceae, or mint family,” Pavel Kloucek, a scientist at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, told Discovery News. Kloucek and his team have recently identified two other mint family members—Mentha villosa and Faassen’s catnip—along with another non-mint herb, bluebeard, as also have bacteria-busting abilities. Moreover, essential oils for horseradish, garlic, hyssop, basil, marjoram, oregano, winter savory and three types of thyme also showed potent antimicrobial activity.

The researchers made the discovery while testing the essential oils to determine how well they could, in vapor form, kill the bacteria responsible for Listeria, Staph, E. coli, Salmonella infections, and more. They are hopeful that peppermint oil and others may soon be wafted in vapor form over food to inhibit bacterial growth. Plant essential oils are lipophilic, meaning that they gravitate towards fat, Kloucek explained. “And luckily, in the cell membrane of bacteria, there is plenty of fat, which serves as a seal. Essential oils are attracted to this fat and, as their molecules squeeze in between the fat molecules, they cause leakage of the membrane.” This leakage causes a meltdown that can eventually kill the bacteria.

The obvious problem to overcome in treating foods with essential oils to prevent illness is the oils’ potent taste. While strong mint flavor is desirable in a candy cane, it might not work well with other foods. According to Kloucek and his team, the solution is to carefully match the oil with the food. “To overcome unwanted flavors, an essential oil with the best scent best fitting to the taste of the treated product in the lowest possible concentration should be used,” he said. “You will probably not use garlic essential oil to treat grapes, but for some semi-finished meat products it can be suitable.” Kloucek’s findings have been accepted for publication in the journal Food Control.

Monique Lacroix, a professor at the INRS-Institute Armand-Frappier in Quebec, told Discovery News that she agrees “essential oils have a powerful antimicrobial property.” She particularly liked Kloucek’s study because it addressed the volatile nature of the oils by studying them in their vapor phase, as opposed to direct application.

Some researchers now advise consumers to eat a tablespoon or more of fresh peppermint, and other green herbs daily. A fun way to enjoy peppermint, aside from eating that leftover Christmas candy cane, is by placing peppermint leaves in an ice tray, and then filling the tray with cold water, pushing down any mint leaves that stick out. Put the tray in the freezer for several hours, and then add the peppermint ice cubes to a glass of water, sparkling water, or any other beverage that you enjoy having cold.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nerve sparing helps most prostate cancer patients to have same orgasms as before surgery

6:44 PM 0
The vast majority of men who have a prostate cancer operation can retain their ability to orgasm if the surgery is carried out without removing the nerves that surround the prostate gland like a hammock, according to a study in the February issue of the urology journal BJUI (see also Prostate Cancer).
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Get Rid of Bad Breath

11:54 PM 0
What causes bad breath? There are many rumors surrounding this embarrassing condition. Some people believe the odor comes from the mouth while others suppose that it must come from somewhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

Well, let the rumors be dispelled right now, as air can only escape from the esophagus in the form of the occasional burp. So unless you burp more often than normal, the cause of your bad breath may just come from something in your mouth.

While it is true that some forms of chronic bad breath may actually be caused by an underlying physical illness affecting the gastrointestinal tract, most bad breath cases are caused by bad oral hygiene. This goes without saying that one effective way to get rid of bad breath is to brush and floss your teeth and clean your mouth often.

In addition to practicing good oral hygiene, there are also certain steps you can take to get rid of bad breath.

Below are just some of these steps:

Watch the Food You Eat

More often than not, the cause of temporary bad breath is the foods you eat. For instance, you may have eaten a meal and then suffered embarrassing bad breath later. You can blame the garlic, cabbage, or onions contained in your foods as these are rich in sulfur compounds which cause bad odor.

To get rid of bad breath caused by foods you ate, it is necessary to brush your teeth thoroughly after eating these kinds of foods. Or you can minimize your intake of these foods. You may also get rid of bad breath by using a good mouthwash but note that these liquid washes are only good for masking the odor. They do not really get rid of bad breath; at least not in the permanent sense.


Bacteria are also another cause of bad breath. Over 170 different types of bacteria live in the mouth. It’s no surprise really considering how bacteria love damp places and your mouth certainly is conducive to bacterial flora.

Now, if you do not brush your teeth after a meal, the bits of food left in your mouth become a virtual “feast” for these living bacteria. And in the process of metabolizing these, these bacteria produce volatile sulfur compounds which are extremely odorous.

To get rid of bad breath, you therefore need to remove these bacteria from your mouth. How? Well, take the fact that these bacteria are mostly anaerobic, meaning they cannot live in the presence of oxygen. In fact, the only way they even manage to survive in your mouth where oxygen passes through often is if they hide themselves behind plaque and food debris. If you get rid of these – plaque and food debris – then you get rid of bad breath.
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Different Types of Depression

11:29 PM 0
According to credible surveys made around the world, it is estimated that 1 out of 6 persons will suffer from clinical depression during his or her lifetime. In fact, this emotional and mental malady has become so popular that it is common to read about it in ordinary magazines and newspapers. But how will we know when to take the depressed person to a psychologist or psychiatrist for him to have the proper treatment? And what are the different types of depression?

It isn’t that easy to distinguish an ordinary and harmless episode of anxiety and depression to a more serious episode that requires medical attention. Of course each of us undergo the “blues” and lose our energy and will to live from time to time. However, the more severe type of depression deeply overwhelms a person. It may have started out as a dark feeling but has progressed to an illness that affects every aspect of the person’s life. Clinical depression is different from having “the blues” in that it is all consuming and requires treatment. Depressive illness or clinical depression impacts on everything: sleeping, eating, and energy level, ability to work effectively, mood, cognitions (thoughts), judgment, and more. It can be viewed as both a psychological and physical condition.

The kinds of depression discussed in this article are defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), an American Psychiatric Association publication which describes the standard criteria for different types of psychiatric disorders. Here are the more common types of depressive disorders:

Major Depressive Disorder (also known as Major Depression, Clinical Depression) – This episode occurs with symptoms that last for most of the day, nearly every day for at least two weeks. A symptom must either be 1) depressed mood or 2) a noticeable decrease in interest or pleasure in all or most activities.

At least four (or more) additional symptoms are present:

- significant weight loss / weight gain or decrease / increase in appetite
- difficulty sleeping or increase in sleeping
- excessive movement or slowing down associated with mental tension (observed by others)
- fatigue or loss of energy
- feeling worthless or excessive guilt
- difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
- repeatedly thinking about death or suicide, trying to attempt suicide or having a specific plan to commit suicide

Dysthymic Disorder (or also referred to as Dysthymia) – Nearly continuous depressed mood for at least 2 years along with at least two (or more) of these other symptoms:

- decrease or increase in eating
- difficulty sleeping or increase in sleeping
- low energy or fatigue
- low self-esteem
- difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- feeling hopeless

Manic Depression (now known as Bipolar Disorder) – This kind of depression incorporates phases of mania and depression. Cycling between these two conditions can be fast or only mania can be present without any depressive episodes. A manic episode consists of a unrelenting prominent or ill-tempered mood which is mostly extreme, which lasts for one week. These are the other signs of manic depression:

- inflated self-esteem or self-importance
- decreased need for sleep
- more talkative than usual or compelled to keep talking
- experiencing racing thoughts or ideas
- easily distracted
- increase in goal-oriented activity (social, work, school, sexual) or excessive movement
- excessive involvement in potentially risky pleasurable behavior (e.g. over spending, careless sexual activity, unwise business investments)

These different types of depression all need psychological help from psychiatrists. The treatment to be given varies from one depressive disorder to another. In the case of major depression and dysthymic disorder, psychotherapy and medication are both needed by the patient. Psychotherapy should focus on learning how to cope with the disorder, problem solving, challenging negative mindsets and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This is usually very effective especially when the family members and friends are cooperative. Antidepressant medication can often assist to alleviate painful impacts of symptoms like inability to concentrate or sleep, work, control emotions or make decisions that directly affect everyday living conditions.

Manic depression treatment will include medication. As this has a tendency to be a disabling mental illness, proper diagnosis on the part of the doctor is vital. The chronic and manic episodes followed by depressive episodes mostly are recurrent without long term therapy. Lithium and anti-convulsive medications are often used in combination in achieving the desired effect. Getting the patient on the best combination of medication is both science and art and can be challenging for the patient and his loved ones. People with manic depression at times feel overwhelmed by the difficult task of keeping their moods in check over long periods of time. The patient sometimes whines that the “high” feeling has been replaced by a different mood, a more stabilized one which may be interpreted as uninteresting. When this occurs he may stop taking the medication and go back to juggling through his racing emotions and thoughts again. That is why long-term counselling is often crucial in maintaining control over bipolar disorder.

However, the medical community cannot assure that psychotherapy and medication will effectively prevent the person from suffering clinical depression throughout his life. That’s why it is vital to learn self-help and natural remedies to counter depression. If you are a person with spiritual belief, have a closer connection to your religious community. Your faith in the Supreme Being is one of the best keys to overcome depression. Family support is also essential. Unload all negative emotions to your family members, since they are the ones who know you better and take their advice constructively.

Don’t neglect to have a regular bonding time with your peers since their presence allows you to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Having regular exercise releases the “happy hormones” in your body. Never overindulge or relatively lessen your caffeine, sugar and fat intake. A healthy diet promotes better sleep and causes serotonins to balance brain chemicals.

Many relaxing herbs can help relieve your stress and anxiety. Lavender, chamomile, jasmine, and rosemary teas are very much recommended. You can also use the essential oils of these herbs and use it as aromatherapy in your homes. These are certified tension busters that promote better sleep, lessen irritability, and help your digestion as well too. It is also of utmost importance to check your vitamin intake, vitamin c and e are vital in assisting neurotransmitters in the brain.

Finally, self-empowerment is much needed to overcome this existing battle. Thinking positive thoughts creates wonders and miracles for the depressive person and for his loved ones as well. Remember that we are the masters of our souls and the captain of our lives. Going to a health professional to have a consultation or diagnosis on depression isn’t to be ashamed of. Rather, we must be proud to take that bold step into self admittance of our shortcomings and not recklessly throwing our lives away with self diagnosis which can be potentially fatal.
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Tips For Choosing The Right Cosmetics And Beauty Product

1:45 AM 0
How to choose the cosmetics is not as easy as we imagine. Just because you may know someone who buys a certain color of modern beauty cosmetics and they end up looking great this does not mean that they are going to do the same for you. Everyone is different and different people are going to look better with different types and hues of cosmetics, so you need to be sure that you are choosing the right cosmetics and beauty product for you and only you.

There are a few tips that will be very helpful to you if you are trying to find what the best cosmetics and beauty product is going to be for you, and which you are not only going to enjoy using now but for years to come because that is one of the most important things to remember when trying to find a cosmetics and beauty product.
You want something that is going to be timeless and not just a fad because these never work and are only going to be a waste of your money.

Your Skin Tone

So the first thing that you want to think about when you are trying to decide on a cosmetics and beauty product is your skin tone. This is going to play a huge role in what colors are going to look best on you. Determining your skin tone is a very quick and easy process, and all you have to do is flip over your arm and look at your veins.

Now if you have veins that are greenish this usually indicates that you have yellow undertones and so your skin tone is warm. On the other hand if your veins are a blue color you have blue undertones and so you have a cool skin tone. If you find it hard to tell, make sure that you are in good lighting.

Now you are going to know which colors are going to look best on you. If you have a cool skin tone then you are going to want to stick with pastel colors for the most part, whereas the warm skin tones look great with powns and orange colors.

Also when you are looking for a cosmetics and beauty product you want to make sure that you figure out whether you have sensitive skin or not first, because if you do then you are always going to have to make sure that you get only hypoallergenic cosmetic products.

With the help of photographer and mac cosmetics, your picture must be perfect.

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Hepatitis C Symptoms, Know About Hepatitis C Causes

1:35 AM 0
Hepatitis C is a type of disease that is caused by the hepatitis C virus. According to studies in the United States, there are approximately 36,000 persons who are infected by this disease each year. Although this is a milder condition compared to any other type of hepatitis, still it can lead to chronic liver disease if left untreated. Approximately 4 million people are said to be chronic HCV carriers.

Unlike the other types of hepatitis, hepatitis C has no specific treatments for its symptoms. But your doctor can recommend you to have bed rest drink plenty of fluids. Not only that, a healthy diet and avoidance of alcoholic beverages will also be best for you. If you are experiencing only mild hepatitis C, after following the advice of your doctor, you will begin to feel better in two to three weeks and may completely recover from the symptoms within four to eight weeks.

Nowadays, hepatitis C has become a very serious threat worldwide. In some countries, like the United States Of America, at the top of the causes that lead to liver damage is hepatitis C. The hepatitis C virus is very spread and many Americans are victims. The hepatitis C virus is also the reason for about twenty percent of the acute hepatitis and more than fifty percent of the cirrhosis cases are believed to be caused by the hepatitis C virus.

Hepatitis A, B and C are familiar names to most people, but there are other ways to get hepatitis. Ethanol, which is found in alcoholic drinks, can cause hepatitis. Alcoholic hepatitis can be mild or severe. People who drink alcohol in excess may also increase their chances of getting hepatitis C. Alcoholic hepatitis does not lead to cirrhosis, but cirrhosis is more common in people, who’ve been drinking alcohol for a long period of time.

Several years ago, the most common way that hepatitis C was transferred to other patients was thought to be by tainted blood used in transfusions, but nowadays the blood testing procedures have improved considerably, and the risk is now very small. These days the highest risk group is illegal drug users. The sharing of any equipment or appliance which has any blood or bodily fluids on it when taking drugs is a simple way of transferring this disease.

Hepatitis C is usually spread by contact to human blood that has been contaminated with the hepatitis C virus. There is an astonishing number of people that are infected with the hepatitis C virus because of injection of drugs. People who have transfusions of blood are also at risk of infection with the hepatitis C virus. However, the risk is lowered now, because of a test that requires that the blood used for transfusions must be tested for the hepatitis C virus.

There is no vaccine that can help you prevent the infection with hepatitis C virus. So all one can do to prevent hepatitis C is to avoid all the risk factors. If the hepatitis C virus is contacted, your body will try to fight it. However, the hepatitis virus can mutate and evade your immune system. As many as 80 percent of the people that are infected with the hepatitis C virus will not be able to destroy it completely.

Read about Natural Cures. Also read about Liver Diseases and Liver Cirrhosis

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