Baby Acne Treatment - How to Treat Baby Acne - Medical Corner

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby Acne Treatment - How to Treat Baby Acne

One of your privileges as a new parent is to enjoy the soft, smooth and fragrant skin of your baby. A baby’s skin has the most delicate feel like nothing else. It is only natural to be worried when you discover signs of rashes or any red marks on your baby’s perfect skin. If your baby is having a particularly bad breakout of red rashes or something that resembles adult whiteheads,
 he or she might be experiencing baby acne.

Baby acne is a very common problem that affects as much as a fifth of all newborn babies. Lesions may appear as redness on your baby's cheeks and nose. Baby scalp acne also appears soon after delivery because of hormones secreted by the mother. These maternal hormones affect the baby's sebaceous glands, which secrete the oil that is a contributing factor to acne. The condition can be easily cured by a number of different treatments.

How Does Baby Acne Happen?

The red bumps that appear on the skin of your newborn baby will likely be a cause of concern for you. The bumps form during the stage of pregnancy when the mother’s hormones enter the baby's body through the placenta. This stimulates the oil glands that have developed on the skin of the fetus. The increased oil production causes the bumps and lesions that are found around the nasal area and on the scalp.

Maintain Hygiene at All Times

Baby acne becomes more severe when the proper measures are not taken. If you continue to place rough materials against your baby’s skin, the problem will most probably worsen. It is very important to take good care of your baby's skin as acne in most cases will likely last anywhere from two to six months. If rough materials are not kept away from the baby’s skin, then the acne is more likely to be around longer.

Types of Acne

There is more than one type of acne may develop on the faces of newborn babies. The first, papules, which look like small, round pimples that appear within 3 to 4 weeks of birth. Another type of acne, pustules, resembles whiteheads that are filled with pus. The symptoms of milia, an unrelated condition that results in small, light-colored bumps on the face, are sometimes mistaken for either type of acne. A baby boy's skin is more sensitive than that of a baby girl’s, so the symptoms are more likely to be much more pronounced on males.

There is no specific or exact treatment for acne. It is better to just clothe your baby in light fabrics and exposing him or her to an environment with clean air. Minimize all contact with the area that is affected by the baby acne to avoid irritating and worsening the problem.

How Do I Clear Up Baby Acne?

One of the most pressing questions about baby scalp acne is that of clearing up the areas affected by the condition. Here are some precautionary measures you should take to minimize the influences of the acne:

•Never touch your baby's face directly. Even washed hands carry bacteria and germs that could be transferred to your baby’s skin, exacerbating the acne.

•Use only soft hypoallergenic cloths for wiping your baby’s body and face.

•Do not use DIY or homemade remedies without consulting a physician first. A baby's skin cannot handle the chemicals in most soaps and lotions.

•Always use mild hypoallergenic soap when washing a baby’s face. As much as possible, check the PH balance before use.

Some Common Baby Acne Treatments

A vinegar solution is a baby acne treatment remedy option that experts and parents often recommend to cope with this problem. These vinegar solutions are readily available on the market, and are an effective treatment for the baby's facial acne as well as the baby scalp acne. This baby acne treatment is not very effective in treating more severe cases, so determine the type of acne present and consult your physician first before starting any treatment.

If you’re using a vinegar solution for the first time, do a small patch test first. Babies are allergic to a wide variety of substances, and exposing your baby’s skin to allergens will just worsen the condition

Using mild facial or skin cleansers is another one of the more common treatments for removing a baby's acne. Doctors usually prescribe these same cleansers for getting rid of facial pimples. When you use cleansers, make sure that you are applying very little pressure with your fingers. Your baby’s skin is more delicate than usual because of the condition, which is why you need to be extra gentle.

For severe cases of baby acne, treatment using topical creams like benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin may be prescribed by your physician. Just be sure to get exactly the concentration that the doctor specified in the prescription (typically 5%); too much of the active ingredient could just irritate and further worsen your baby’s acne. When applying any medicinal cream on your baby, use a very small amount on just the affected area. It will be a good practice to use a cotton bud in order to minimize unnecessary skin contact.

Even when an acne treatment has been prescribed for your child, be sure to keep your baby clean and cool at all times. Dirt and surrounding excess heat may contribute to a new acne breakout.

Avoid Intensive Treatments

There are also a number of treatment options and remedies that are more effective and intensive, however with greater concentration comes greater risks. Never decide on an intensive treatment unless your physician explicitly prescribes it. A good baby acne treatment often relies on the simple and proper measures of maintaining hygiene and keeping your baby’s skin away from irritants.

Results may not be very visible at first, and your baby will most probably experience some discomfort in the first few weeks. But within a few months, your baby’s skin will be clean and clear again without the need of any sort of special acne treatment.

You shouldn’t worry too much about baby acne; almost every newborn suffers from this problem. The important issue is for you to take the proper measures such as using only soft hypoallergenic materials and mild cleansers on your baby’s skin. Any physician will most likely suggest the same precautionary measures and will tell you to avoid fancy treatment options.

Baby acne is a condition that poses little to no threat to your baby and is easily treated. In most cases, the acne naturally disappears within two to three months after birth. As a rule of thumb for smooth and perfect skin, just keep your baby clean at all times.

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