All About Hot Yoga - Medical Corner

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

All About Hot Yoga

For fitness lovers, trying new things keeps exercise fun and exciting. Many people try yoga and they either like it or they don`t. Yoga is a different kind of exercise because it involves lots of stretching and calm breathing movements. For yoga fans, trying hot yoga takes it to a whole new level. It takes everything they know about yoga and turns it up a notch.

Hot yoga is also known as Bikram yoga. It is practiced in a room that is heated up to 105f with a humidity of forty percent. This type of yoga is guided by twenty-six postures and two breathing exercises following a ninety minute workout routine.

Hot yoga instructors must have training and certification in this area before they are able to teach it. There are currently over five hundred hot yoga studios worldwide and the Yoga College of India has trained more than 3000 instructors charging more than 9000 dollars each. With such a high demand for trainers, it is only natural that so many clinics are opening and yoga fans are crossing over.
Hot yoga involves exercising in hot room temperatures that induces sweating and in turn is thought to rid toxins and keep the muscles more flexible for the ultimate stretches and yoga moves.
It is thought that hot yoga can create deeper stretching and prevent injury, distress and release tension. It can stimulate and restore health to muscles and joints and organs. There are two components to the twenty-six exercises. These are; postures and breathing exercises. It is believed that only 50% of lung capacity is used at time, and that the lungs need to stretch out as well. Hot yoga works to stretch the body and lungs to their very max.
Hot yoga has been known to cause some severe symptoms in beginners who continue on later to become experts. It has caused; feelings of dizziness and nausea. It has also been associated with people fainting and passing out completely. It is advised that beginners take lots of breaks and keep hydrated.
The idea of total blood circulation is one of the benefits of this practice. It is believed that circulation is affected because of two processes called extension and compression. It delivers fresh oxygen to the joints, muscles and organs through deep exercising and breathing techniques. Heat in turn allows the heart to pump out fresh blood in reaction to the shortage of restricted blood caused by stretching and specific yoga moves. During these exercises, it is thought that infection, bacteria and toxins are released as blood volume is changed and rejuvenated.
There are some negative beliefs associated with this type of yoga. The heat and sweating can actually case more harm to the organs than good if a person does not keep hydrated. It can also lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and injuries from fainting can be another result. Injuries can also be sustained to muscles and the back as in hot yoga muscles might stretch more than they should creating severe pain when all is said and done.
The best thing to do when trying hot yoga is gives it a cautious try. That means to go with an open mind and do what feels right to you. Always ask for your doctor`s opinion on the topic of hot yoga first before trying any class.

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